Thursday, January 29, 2009

The one and only perfectly plan trip!

Planning takes a long time, but fantasizing takes no time. I planned a trip with FSA to South Korea in Fall of 2010. I will be studying for maybe a couple months of a half semester. I'm excited, but I am require to finish about 10 scholarship essays, contact people, work long hours and work towards my goal to going to South Korea. I want to be in the cities where the the city never sleeps. I want to visit the country side with the green fields and farming with country houses. That the beautiful place I want to live for life! I am learning the basics of the alphabets and pronunciations.
My cousin/ uncle is in South Korea right now teaching English in a small elementary school. He meets nice people and eat plenty of good food. I haven't talk to him recently, but a while back when he just arrived in Korea that we have spoken. I am truly jealous of him and his gender (Hmong mens/boys get to go abroad to another country when you want to, but not any Hmong girl). I want to do what he does and go somewhere free and feel the new breeze of another country.
I have decided to plan this trip to go to another country because of the daily activities that I do. I watch Korean dramas, listen to Korean music (I like Bi Rain, Wonder Girls, Super Junior, Ryan from Paren; theses are my major ones for now), the food (mostly sushi and soup! But, I like the long spoons and chopsticks) and last, but not least; I like the traditional clothing. I like everything about the place to the language. I know that Korean is not what it's like on movies and dramas, but I still really looking forward to hopefully taking that special trip to South Korea!


Nancy said...

That is so cool that you're going to Korea!!

Bemmy said...

Wow Mai Cou thats so cool!! I've always wanted to leave the country and study abroad, you are so lucky!I hope you enjoy your time there, you should write some entries on your blog about your experiences to!

L. M. Peifer said...

I plan on returning to Korea, hopefully, in the summer of 2010. Seoul is fantastic, but one really needs to know which neighborhoods to go to. Good thing you have family there to help you out! For the sushi, do you mean kim bap? Kim bap is my favorite snack...I have been very homesick for Korea lately. :)